Work health survey

Research question

What does the NSW workforce understand by the term Work Health and what are their priorities within this?

What is this research about?

The focus of this project is to explore the scope and definition of work health, the role of SafeWork NSW as the regulator in the work health space and the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.

The term ‘work health’ is hard to define as many terms are used interchangeably to describe similar concepts and initiatives. For example, workplace health management, corporate health, workplace wellbeing, corporate wellness, workplace wellness, etc although an individual’s or organisation’s understanding of these terms may differ.

We aim to make recommendations on the next steps SafeWork NSW should consider ensuring we are leading the way as an exemplar regulator in the work health space by assisting NSW workplaces to improve the health and wellbeing of their workers.

TIME SENSITIVE Priority*: This project presents the opportunity for the Centre to quickly contribute to existing research from Safework NSW and will help shape their work health strategy.

Timeline of Project

Project commenced: December 2018

Project completion: August 2020 (publication pending)

What will the researchers do?

  • Obtain a baseline understanding of Work Health definitions within NSW workers
  • Understand work health priorities of NSW workers
  • Examine the expected role of SafeWork NSW as the regulator.

This information will be used to guide further outreach and education programs run by the Work Health team at SafeWork NSW.

Want to know more?

To work with the Centre, or stay up to date with our research, head to our Engage with us page.


*Centre for Work Health and Safety Research Blueprint