Research Blueprint

Download a PDF version of the Blueprint here

Who we are

We are critical and creative multidisciplinary thinkers who action real change in work health and safety.

We are leaders in work health and safety research and development.

The Centre for Work Health and Safety is a world-class collaborative research body that drives a smarter approach to the way we think and act about work health and safety (WHS). We are a part of the NSW Government, giving us unique access to data and policy influencers to ensuring our research turns into tangible outcomes. Our diverse team allows us to challenge traditional methods, and foster a culture of collaboration, trust and respect.

Applying research to practical safety solutions.

We champion collaborative work health and safety research and development partnerships with global industry, academic and private innovators. We enable access to funding to ensure research and development insights are turned into tangible outcomes, and shared for maximum impact.

We work with...Our expertise...Our work is...
  • Leading academics
  • Industry innovators
  • Workers
  • Government
  • NGOs
  • Regulators
  • WHS Professionals
  • Students and early career researchers
  • Policy
  • Business
  • Outreach
  • Data science
  • Research
  • Development
  • Education
  • Innovation
  • Behavioural insights
  • Regulation
  • Industry driven
  • Credible
  • Ethical
  • Collaborative
  • Methodologically robust
  • Outcome focused

What we do

Research and development

Collaborating for a better future

We work with people at the forefront of WHS research, regulation and practices to harness the benefits of an all in approach.

Proactively safeguarding health and safety for all

It is our duty to stay on the forefront of a changing world of work, ensuring that we are futureproofing against all ongoing and re-emerging risks. We have a particular focus on at-risk workers, high-risk industries, and the organisation of work.

Developing future leaders

We invest in the future of WHS through the following means:

  • We encourage new people to enter research through our academic studies program; where undergraduate, Honours, Masters and PhD students are invited to participate in research and development.
  • We bring together current and future WHS leaders and experts from around the globe to share experiences and information on contemporary issues facing WHS, with the aim of promoting prevention worldwide, and enabling connections between industry and academic innovators.
  • We advance tangible solutions that can prevent harm in the workplace, creating evidence-based marketable products or services.
  • We have many ways in which we can redirect our investment back into the community we serve, for example, in the case of our Real-time Silica Detector, the entirety of our financial support was passed on to the consumer in the form of rebates when purchasing the technology.

How we do it

Our collaborative approach allows us to respond in real-time to emerging government, industry, and community needs.


All innovation starts out life as an idea. Many ideas come to us directly from regulators, workers, industry and academia. Other ideas are sparked by the intelligence that we gather through WHS RADAR about emerging trends, leading indicators, new technologies and the changing world of work.

We prioritise ideas in line with the needs of the community. We choose research and development innovators to work with us on an idea through competitive international tenders, investment partnerships, and opportunity-driven engagements.


Ideas often don’t come to the Centre fully formed. When we want to know more about an idea, we open up the conversation to a broader audience.

We believe that collaboration is key to understanding the whole issue and creates break-through success. We bring divergent thought and expertise to identify, pose and tackle important questions that emerge.This co-design approach advances these ideas into fully-fledged research and development opportunities.

Research & Development

Not all solutions require a traditional research approach. We underpin our process with a diverse range of methodologies to drive contemporary outcomes.

Not just a funding partner. We embed our expert team members into the projects, working closely with research and business partners to respond to insights as they emerge.

The result


Our work makes a difference to work health and safety challenges in the workplace. By using a human-centred approach, our evidence-based solutions are developed with real-world application in mind.

We are in a unique position to  ensure our research insights are turned into practical and accessible interventions, created with the end user in mind for maximum uptake.


The end user is always at the core of what we produce. We work diligently to ensure the research is practical and useful for the end user.

We generate and distribute new knowledge about work health and safety risks and controls, and quickly translate our research findings into innovative harm prevention.

We are considerate of the businesses and leaders as well,

Our solutions range from...

  • New information
  • Tools
  • Technologies
  • Change of work practices
  • Education and engagement
  • New opportunities
  • Better regulation
  • Policy influence
  • Preparing for  the future
  • Behaviour change
  • Enabling business

Engage with us

Want to stay up-to-date with the Centre’s research, apply for a research partnership, or pitch your research idea to us?

Email us at: [email protected] or follow our social media accounts.