Conversations about life, health, and safety

Project status: Active

What impact does conversation with supervisors have on the WHS of construction apprentices?

The conversations we have at work with our colleagues can shape our day for better or worse. But can it have an impact on safety?

Supervisor-worker communication and supervisor support have been identified as critical determinants of young construction workers’ experience of injury and ill-health. By the same token, they are key factors in improving injury prevention and health protection practices.

Exploring novel ways to stimulate conversation

We have partnered with RMIT, ANU, Master Builders Association of NSW, and icare to examine the nature of supervisor-worker communication about safety issues, health (mental and physical), and experiences outside of work in the NSW construction industry.

The research to date has culminated in an interactive, ‘choose your own adventure’ style of online game, which encourages young construction workers to speak up and have open and honest conversations with their supervisors.

The approach was developed with three primary goals in mind:

  • Understand the way that supervisors and workers talk about life, health, and safety;
  • Identify the characteristics of supportive interaction and supervision of young workers; and
  • Identify organisational or context-related drivers of conversation failure (e.g. time pressure, lack of support etc).

A randomised controlled trial will evaluate the effectiveness of the game in encouraging young workers and their supervisors to talk openly about issues of life, health, and safety.

Our research will empower construction managers, as well as young workers, to engage in constructive conversations that contribute to a safer and more supportive working environment for all.

Watch this space for our findings and intervention here once the project is completed.

Want to know more?

To work with the Centre, or stay up to date with our research, head to our Engage with us page.