Small business regulation 

Project status: Active

How can we create a better, more productive regulatory experience for small businesses?

SafeWork NSW is designed to support businesses of all sizes with their WHS needs, including micro and small businesses (MSBs) who have a range of resources at their disposal like fact sheets, checklists, safety consultations, and online support.

The uptake and use of these resources, however, heavily relies on MSBs firstly being aware of them, and secondly taking proactive steps to engage with them. In the face of many competing priorities, MSBs often don’t have much time to dedicate to WHS and it ends up being overlooked.

So how do we begin to build support channels that don’t depend on MSBs taking the first step, while still meeting their underlying WHS needs?

Focusing on the regulator to create better outcomes for small business

Working with the Behavioural Insights Team, we will be designing and conducting a research study that proposes the shift of onus from the small business and focuses in on how SafeWork NSW Inspectors can better integrate WHS interventions during inspection processes.

The team will use the Stanford School Framework for conducting a human-centred design project to co-design, develop and trial an intervention that dually enhances MSBs engagement with the regulator while improving their WHS knowledge and outcomes.

Watch this space for more developments on the project.

Want to know more?

To work with the Centre, or stay up to date with our research, head to our Engage with us page.